Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I Voted!

This 8-5 shift has some advantages. I was able to vote first thing this morning!

I’m glad for several reasons- I beat the large after-work crowds, I can go right home after work and start watching the election coverage, and most important of all- I get to wear my “I Voted” sticker all day long.

I was actually the first person to vote at my polling place. Cool, huh? I got there at about 7:02 and got through the process very quickly.

There was one moment that will make all who know me laugh. The lady taking my signature asked if I was affiliated with either party. I told her I’m not, and she asked “are you intending to vote Republican today?”

I said “NO” and refrained from breaking out into massive giggles or slapping her to the ground and then proceeded to cast my vote for our next President, Barack Obama.

Now I’m basking in the patriotic glow of taking part in the democratic process.

God Bless America!


Shamo said...

well....i'm all for mitt of course andwhoever chalks that up to his being lds can kiss my ass....but anyways....if he doesn't get the nod...trish....i'm all about barak sister!! huh...odd...never thoought i'd see the day you and i could possibly be politically allied!!!!!hahahahaha

Marisa Woolsey said...

Today was wehn we were suposed to vote?? Oh Shit.....